Wednesday, April 1, 2009

-=:+: The Recovered Faith :+:=-

Okay, this is my first post for March. Yeah, It's in English so this will be a somehow 'serious' post. But don't worry, it won't be a long post since... Well, since my hunch said like that, lol.

I know that some of you wondered what was happening to me last week, since missed three events: Darryl's birthday party, J2K3, and Jessie's birthday party. Well, actually, from 24th to 29th March, I was attending a seminar. It was a theological symposium for 500th Anniversary Commemoration of John Calvin, at Reformed Millennium Center of Indonesia, Jl. Industri Raya Blok B14 No .1, Kemayoran, Jakarta. W00t, Popo was attending a theological symposium? I'm sorry, but THEOLOGICAL?

I guess you'll shock after reading it so I'll explain in brief. In this last three years, my theological foundation was deteriorating. I seldom went to church and start to lose my Christianity. A month and a half ago, I realized that I can't go on like this. Plus a remind and advice from one of my friend, Catur (and yeah, Catur succeed to re-opened my mind), I decided to go back to church. And I chose GRII (and thanks to Sunarya that invited me to go there with him). Just one month and I felt so much joy and differents in my life, that I've lost before (well, I hope this won't be just an euphoria later).

Ok, that's it. And not long after that, I found out about the seminar and I decided to attend. To tell you the truth, as the freshly 're-penitent' person, I hesitated about this seminar at first. Whether I could understand it or could bear with it, coz It would take six of my days in a week. But after I finished my first day, my doubt turned into a firm belief that I've made a right choice. And till now, I can still feel the blessings and the impacts (of course the positive one) from the seminar. My Christianity faith is strengthened and my theology basic is recovered.

Well, I won't speak longer about it coz it's my personal experience and faith. But surely, I'm hoping that my positive changes won't stop just here but keep going on till the end of time (w00t, somehow hyperbolic, but who know?). And because I'm still new in the theology knowledge, so sorry that I couldn't give you a summary for the topics. but I hope that in the short future, I can share it with you. But if you are interested in knowing a little bout the topics, just contact me and I'll be happy to share with you :)

500th Anniversary Commemoration of John Calvin
Theological Symposium
24-29 March 2009

24 March 2009
Seminar 1
Andrew McGowan
Calvin and Common Grace

25 March 2009
Seminar 2
Philip Buys
Calvin and Theology of Mission

26 March 2009
Seminar 3
Matthew Ebenezer
Calvin and Suffering

Seminar 4
Allan Harman
Calvin, the Reformed Confession and Preaching

27 March 2009
Seminar 5
Robert Cannada
Calvin and Pastoral Ministry

Seminar 6
Stephen Tong
Calvin and Reformation in Our Time (1)

28 March 2009
Seminar 7
Samuel Logan
Calvin and Jonathan Edwards

Seminar 8
Augustus Lopez
Calvin and The Doctrine of Holy Spirits

Seminar 9
Stephen Tong
Calvin and Reformation in Our Time (2)

29 March 2009
Seminar 10
Peter Jones
Calvin and the Pagans (1)

Seminar 11
Peter Jones
Calvin and the Pagans (2)

Seminar 12
Stephen Tong
Calvin and Reformation in Our Time (3)

As you can see, the topic was about theology, doctrin, and faith of the Christianity. It based on Reformed theology (in this case, based on John Calvin's biblical teaching). It's an internasional seminar and maybe is the only one that ever held in Indonesia. The speakers are from Scotland, South Africa, United States, England, Sri Lanka, Brazil and Indonesia (most of them are from Westminster Theological Seminary). So as what I've said before, after attending this seminar, My Christianity faith is strengthened and my theology basic is recovered-or maybe is increasing more and more. And I'm sure that most of the other participants from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, India, or Hongkong will share the almost-same (or probably same) opinion with me.

But yeah, in the end, everything that we've done, shall not be for our own profit only. Put our own profit in the secondary purpose and put God in your primary purpose. So that you will be able to fulfill the main aim for your life. Soli Deo Gloria!

Lastly, all that I've typed here is based on my own thinking and experience. So, sorry if for some of you, this post is too shallow or too subjective. This topic is merely for sharing, not for discussing or offending. Okay then, thanks for reading and God bless you^^



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