Monday, August 17, 2009

-=:+: Somewhere... Somewhere... :+:=-

Ah, akhir" ini lg demen ma nih dua lagu, ga taw napa, dr kmrn dengerinnya ini" trz, hw9x~ Tp bener sih, mnrt saya lirik n nadanya bagus, yang nyanyi jg bagus lg suaranya, wuoh xD Lagu jadul smua sih, tp worthed lah mnrt saya. Salah dua dari sekian banyak lagu" terbaik spanjang masa =) Lagu apa? Nih~


Somewhere out there,
beneath the pale moonlight,
someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight.

Somewhere out there,
someone's saying a prayer,
that we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there.

And even though I know how very far apart we are,
it helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star.

And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby,
it helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky.

Somewhere out there,
if love can see us through,
then we'll be together, somewhere out there,
out where dreams come true.

Lagu yg ini tuh lagu salah satu film Disney di taon 1990an, An American Tail. Ada dua versi sih, yg versi penyanyi dewasa n anak". Saya sih demennya yg anak", udh liriknya gitu, suara penyanyinya innocent lg. Wuoh xD


Somewhere, over the rainbow, way up high.
There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue.
And the dreams that you dare to dream
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far Behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops, Away above the chimney tops.
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere, over the rainbow, bluebirds fly. Birds fly over the rainbow,
Why then - oh, why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow,
Why, oh, why can't I?

Klo yg ini saya denger pas nonton Britains Got Talent. Ga jelas sih lagu apa, tp klo ga salah lagu yg pelemnya ada Dorothy Dorothy na. But still, it's a great song n pas lg yg nyanyi Connie Talbot kan, wuih, makin innocent dah xD

Tuh dua lagu klo maw DL ada di Indowebster koq, hw9x~ Penasaran? Dengerin aja geh~


Sunday, August 16, 2009

-=:+: I Fear You Man :+:=-

Ok, enjoy this 'another-smart-a**' post and, yeah, still from Reader's Digest, lol~

Readers of new scientist magazine recently discussed a list of phobias found at Here's a sample of some of the most bizarre one:
Lutraphobia: the fear of otters.
Nucleomituphobia: the abnormal fear or hatred of nuclear weapons.
Odontophobia: the fear of dental work.
Octophobia: the fear of the figure eight
Globophobia: the fear of balloons.
Ablutophobia: the fear of bathing.
Rhytiphobia: the fear of wrinkles.
Telephonophobia: the fear of telephones.
Pupaphobia: the fear of puppets.
Pentheraphobia: the fear of your mother in law.

Ok, lemme discuss them a little:
Lutraphobia: I dunno for sure, but I haven't meet any otter, lol~ *mank berang" berbahaya ya?*
Nucleomituphobia: so tell me, how is the normal fear? *sapa coba yg ga takut ma senjata nuklir ~.~a*
Odontophobia: *takut ma sgala sesuatu yg berhubungan dgn kesehatan mulut, ga pernah gosok gigi dunk O.o*
Octophobia: and soon, the fear of figure 0-9 and figure A-Z will appear too *takut ma bentuk delapan, ujian motor ga lulus dunk tar*
Globophobia: *kek na saya taw nih sapa*
Ablutophobia: *em, si itu termasuk ga yah, wk9x~ kek na dia sih malas mandi, bkn takut mandi xD*
Rhytiphobia: take care of your face carefully then. *narsis kali ye*
Telephonophobia: lol~ maybe he/she is a new kind of primate? *kek na pas kecil pernah digebok bonyok pake telpon kali mpe babak belur*
Pupaphobia: *barbie termasuk ga ya, gg~*
Pentheraphobia: lol~ *takut mertua? mertua na galak kali ye :))*

Well, I know that actually there are more bizzare phobias out there but sorry that I'm to lazy to search and read bout them xD

Just to be sure, be a good person or maybe in the next two or three years, there will be a phobia named after your name, like Popophobia: afraid of Popo (maybe bcoz he's too handsome and too addictive, kya~).

And in the end, what are you afraid of dude?


Friday, August 14, 2009

-=:+: I Hear A You Hear A' :+:=-

Ok, for this one, let me write something useful (although my other posts are useful too =P~). Lately, I don't have something important to do, so for wasting my time, I sometimes read Reader's Digest, and found out something interesting in the Fifth Annual Humour Issue. Here it is :

So, the topic is Why do other people hear our voices differently than we do?

We have probably all had this experience. We listen to a tape recording of ourselves talking with some friends. We insist the tape doesn't sound at all like our voice, but everyone else's sounds reasonably accurate. According to speech therapist Dr Mike D'Asaro, there is a universal pattern of rejection of one's own voice. Is there a medical explanation?

Yes. Speech begins at the larynx, where the vibration emanates. Part of the vibration is conducted through the air - that is what your friends (and the tape recorder) hear when you speak. Another part of the vibration is directed through the fluids and solids of our heads. Our inner and middle ears are parts of caverns hollowed out by bone - the hardest bone of the skull. The inner ears contain fluid, the middle ears contain air, and the two press against each other. The larynx is also surrounded by soft tissue full of liquid. Sound transmits differently through the air and through solids and liquids, and this difference account for almost all of the tonal differences we hear on a recording of our own voice.

When we speak, we are not hearing our voice solely with our ears, but also through internal hearing, a mostly liquid transmission through a series of bodily organs. During an electric guitar solo, who hears the "real" sound? The audience, the guitarist, or the tape recorder located inside the guitar? the question is moot. There are three different sounds being made by the guitarist, and the principle is the same for the human voice. We can't say that either the tape recorder or the speakers hear the "right" voice, only that the voices are indeed different.

Dr D'Asaro points out that we have an internal memory of our voice in our brain, and the memory is richer than what we hear in a tape playback. Listening to a recording of our own voice is like listening to a symphony on a bad transistor radio. - the sound is recognisable but a pale imitation.

Credit for Reader's Digest


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

-=:+: Lazy Lazy Lazy :+:=-

Ahaha, ga krasa dah dua bulan kgk aktif nulis blog. Pengen nyalahin skripsi ma liburan yg bikin malas sih, tp ya scr sadar, diri sendiri-lah yg ngebikin malas =P~ saya nulis nih post aja malas"an seh, jd ya mungkin rada pendek n isinya ga penting" amat xD

Well, pertama-tama, maw ngucapin thx God krn akhirnya skripsi saya lulus jg n tar November, nama saya bakal makin panjang. Wk9x~ Ga lupa thx buat Ateng n Irwan selaku tmn setim, papa mama yg udh ngedukung saya baik dr segi fisik maupun mental, kluarga yg slalu ngedoain, tmn" yg ngebantu, Rabana Chemical yg dah ngijinin saya skripsi di sana, dosen pembimbing yg baek, dosen penguji yg lulusin n akhirnya Binus n staf"nya, krn tanpa bantuan smuanya, saya tidak akan bisa sampai pada tahap ini. Akhirnya saya ganti job jugaaaaa~ *lebay*

Ok, akhirnya ganti job sih, cm koq kek na bukannya meningkat, malah menurun ya. Dr mahasiswa jd pengangguran, wk9x~ Tp gpp dah, yg penting ganti job. Paling bntrn ganti job lg, hahay. Dan rencana pulang Ponti bulan ini tp akhirnya kecancel mpe bulan dpn gr" bbrp halangan, rintangan, dan hambatan yang dengan silih berganti terus menerpa hidup saya~ *lebay* Ya ngurus hard cover yg repot, hp rusak, blm lg ktp-sim-passport yg dah abis masa berlakunya bikin saya ga bs ngelamar kerja dl. Yosh, bulan dpn musti pulang buat ngurus smuanya skalian lepas kangen ma Ponti, coz klo dah kerja pasti susah maw pulangnya xD

Next, jd mpe skr liburan napain aja? Malas"an sih pastinya =)) Ya kadang kluar" sih ma Joyo. Oh y, Joyo udh ada mobil n bs bawa mobil ke jalan raya n selamat n dah bisa parkir mundur di mall lho. Congrats~ *lebay* Trz kmrn ma anak CI ke Dufan n saya bener" seneng deh walo nambah bokek gr" itu. Trz dua hr yg lalu ke ultah Vani di Dapur Umum, Ancol. Ya slain itu y berkeliaran di skitar binus dah, ke kost tmn" yg SP, dota n Winnet. Pengen sih kluar negeri ato kluar kota, tp dengan passport yg mati n duit yg pas"an, kpn" aja dah T_T Oh ya, skr saya lg maen Dragonica sih, game online kek MOF/Ghost, di server 2. Klo ada yg maen jg silahkan whisp Dialaurel ya =)

Yg pasti sih masih ada sisa waktu 20 hari sblm pulang Ponti sih, tp ya sama aja, lg bokek jg ga bs kmn-mn jg. Wk9x. Kek na bakal autis dah nih di kost, blm lg tar Ateng ma Joyo balik Ponti duluan. Hu9x, kalian kejam meninggalkan tmn kalian yg keren n ganteng ini sendirian di kost. Ya gpp sih, msh ada Kyon, Ardi n anak" Binus lainnya. Hahaq.

The last but not the least, udahan dulu dah ngeblognya. Dah bingung maw nulis apa lg buat skr. Tp ya... Kek na masa buat berpisah ma tmn" kuliah makin deket deh. N aura" menjauhnya jg makin kental. Berharap aja walo pisah n lain tempat, bs ttp contact n jaga hubungan dah. Well, just wait n see till that time...