Sunday, August 16, 2009

-=:+: I Fear You Man :+:=-

Ok, enjoy this 'another-smart-a**' post and, yeah, still from Reader's Digest, lol~

Readers of new scientist magazine recently discussed a list of phobias found at Here's a sample of some of the most bizarre one:
Lutraphobia: the fear of otters.
Nucleomituphobia: the abnormal fear or hatred of nuclear weapons.
Odontophobia: the fear of dental work.
Octophobia: the fear of the figure eight
Globophobia: the fear of balloons.
Ablutophobia: the fear of bathing.
Rhytiphobia: the fear of wrinkles.
Telephonophobia: the fear of telephones.
Pupaphobia: the fear of puppets.
Pentheraphobia: the fear of your mother in law.

Ok, lemme discuss them a little:
Lutraphobia: I dunno for sure, but I haven't meet any otter, lol~ *mank berang" berbahaya ya?*
Nucleomituphobia: so tell me, how is the normal fear? *sapa coba yg ga takut ma senjata nuklir ~.~a*
Odontophobia: *takut ma sgala sesuatu yg berhubungan dgn kesehatan mulut, ga pernah gosok gigi dunk O.o*
Octophobia: and soon, the fear of figure 0-9 and figure A-Z will appear too *takut ma bentuk delapan, ujian motor ga lulus dunk tar*
Globophobia: *kek na saya taw nih sapa*
Ablutophobia: *em, si itu termasuk ga yah, wk9x~ kek na dia sih malas mandi, bkn takut mandi xD*
Rhytiphobia: take care of your face carefully then. *narsis kali ye*
Telephonophobia: lol~ maybe he/she is a new kind of primate? *kek na pas kecil pernah digebok bonyok pake telpon kali mpe babak belur*
Pupaphobia: *barbie termasuk ga ya, gg~*
Pentheraphobia: lol~ *takut mertua? mertua na galak kali ye :))*

Well, I know that actually there are more bizzare phobias out there but sorry that I'm to lazy to search and read bout them xD

Just to be sure, be a good person or maybe in the next two or three years, there will be a phobia named after your name, like Popophobia: afraid of Popo (maybe bcoz he's too handsome and too addictive, kya~).

And in the end, what are you afraid of dude?



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