Lately, I really enjoy reading Bleach coz the story is becoming more and more exciting. Okay, the story is not that exciting but the continuous espada's release form is the exciting one. At first, I thought that bankai is the coolest part of this manga but then the arrancars appeared, the espada appeared, and IMO, their release forms are cooler that the bankais.
So far, my favorite is Barragan's Arrogante release form. A crowned skeleton with pitch black cloak. And for the fact that he's controlling time, a stingy oldman suddenly become one of the deadliest creature in Bleach.
And coz of that, from yesterday, I tried to draw an arrancar with his release form. Oh man, I hardly could drew anything. Yeah, my lack of skill, my lack of drawing, and my lack of imagination are the main reasons for the super hard time >.<>

Just call him as a nameless and numberless arrancar, okay? You can find the remain of hollow mask on his head. But if you're asking me about the hollow hole location, I couldn't answer you bcoz I myself haven't figured it out, lol =D His zanpakutou's name is Terror and it's release command is Crush. Honestly, he's a little strange and the release form is indeed strange. And yeah, I'm not really satisfied with this one. But I guess I couldn't do better than this, so it's enuff for now (or maybe for later too, lol).
Ok, I'm so tired of writing more words here and I guess I'll go get some rest...
huahaha muke nya licik abis hahaha
senjatanya keren... mirip sama yg di naruto..
tpi licik banget tampangnya hahahhahahaa
nmny jg arrancar
masa tampang baby face =P~
di balik celana aja po lobangnya.. wakakkakaka
ide bagus
mank Ateng
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